Working Together

Participation is a right.

Women are stronger together, and local knowledge drives long-term solutions. That’s why we work with program partners that are all based in the countries where they work. Our program partners range from regional groups with extensive resources, to small emerging organisations where we are their only partner.

We believe in women as drivers of change. Women are not merely the passive recipients of charity. Women around the Asia Pacific region are leading change in their countries and communities, working to transform the causes of gender inequality. We work together with them to advance women’s rights across our region.

We understand that partnership is based on mutual trust, respect and accountability. Our program partners determine and pursue their own priorities.

In addition to our program partnerships, we also collaborate on research and actively contribute to national, regional and global networks and coalitions. By linking our program partnerships with research and advocacy initiatives, we create space for women’s voices to be heard and amplified.

For a list of our partners, check out where we work.